Hey beloved readers,
So contrary to previous statements and promises uttered in my past posts, I failed to continuously update you all, and resorted again to my tendencies of procrastinating until I have a post full of information. Perhaps over New Years I will resolve to update more frequently, but I hate failing at things, so probably not. Anyways, I'll try to simply include the highlights of the last few weeks.
I'm not exactly sure how long it's been since last I put quill to paper, but let me assure you, it doesn't matter that I know right when I last updated you all, not too much has happened. Contrary to my excitement-filled November, my December has been much more run of the mill. Weeks of classes and basketball have gone by without too much to note. As far as classes go, I finished grading a ton of tests for my 11th grade class so I don't have too much work at the moment, and soon I will be giving a test to my 9th graders. Also my conversation class is reading Lord of the Flies which is great to read again! In terms of basketball, I finally worked my way into the starting five! Our coach was absent two games ago, and he left some players in charge. Since the players actually realize that I'm good, they immediately put me in the starting five and I responded with leading the team with 18 points! Yesterday we had another game and our coach left me in the starting five but I played horribly, so we'll see what happens next weekend... After the game I said to my coach "sorry, I played horribly today" and he responded with "good that you noticed", just so you guys can get an idea of him. Not my favorite guy. But my stats are recorded online so that's super awesome, and I'm 2nd in the league in free throw percentage!
The main highlight of the last few weeks came two weekends ago, however, at the MLS Weihnachtskonzert (Christmas concert for all you German-impaired readers). It was the same weekend as Christmasfest at St. Olaf, and thus a weekend which could easily lend itself to some bouts of college-sickness on the part of yours truly. However, playing in the Weihnachtskonzert was truly a blessing all weekend. There was a concert on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights and it consisted of all the musical groups at the MLS and lasted around two and a half hours. I spent most of my time sitting backstage waiting to play, and while that could have been very boring, it was actually great to meet a ton of students outside of a classroom setting. I talked to my 9th graders a ton in German, and I think I made a few fans in a grade I previously thought didn't like me! Like Berlin, it was fun to let my personality shine through in an environment which was much more relaxed. I gave fist bumps to my fellow musicians as I went on stage and just had a blast. I had an improv solo with the jazz band which went really well all three nights and drew awesome, but unexpected, cheers from the crowd. On Friday night a group of students screamed "Mr. Obermann!!" as I walked on stage, which was really awesome. I also met some upper class students, who spoke great English and several of whom had studied in America already. It was nice to get to know some kids, who at 19, are really not that far from my age. Friday night I went out to a bar in town with some teachers and students and we had a really good time, and I ate dinner with a bunch of the upperclassmen after the concert on Saturday. All in all it was a great weekend filled with music and friends, as trite as that sounds.
Snow has begun to fall here in the Odenwald, and it is quite beautiful. I plan to get some photos soon, when the timing is right. Christmas spirit is definitely in the air, students are getting restless, lights are going up, and Weihnachtsmarkte are popping up all over the place. I'm also starting to miss my family and friends more, and I am really looking forward to the three weeks I will soon be spending with them over the holidays. This is probably the last update you will receive from me until I get back, barring any life changing events, so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!