Wow. Eight days left in Germany, followed by a two week stint in Sweden at Herrang Dance Camp, three days in Baltimore visiting my best friend and finally getting to meet her fiance, and then I'm home.
This year has gone amazingly fast, and so much has happened. In truth all years feel that way, at their end, I think. But a year such as this one, with a deadline, and a definite End in the sense of a finality...they seem the fastest of them all.
The last few weeks have been, unsurprisingly, rather busy. The Project Woche (the last days of school) were a lot of fun. I did a Rock'n'Roll dance class which was taught by two former students who are on the competition team from Moerlenbach, and competed last weekend in the World Championships. It was interesting to learn Rock'n'Roll, and though it's not really my kind of dance (it's mostly a show/performance dance, and as such is much less lead and followed, and pretty much always choreographed) it was a good opportunity to learn about it, and get some experience in the dance. I want to further broaden my dance horizons, and hopefully will also do some ballet and modern at some point in the future.
The days have mostly been filled with trying to see as many people as I can, to hang out and say goodbye to everyone. My friend Carol, who I visited back in October, came to see me once more. We met in Brazil, and had not seen each other again till this year; it was wonderful to see her again, and see how we've both changed. We went hiking in Heidelberg, and I finally got up the Heiligenberg and saw the Thingstaette, which is great. The view of the castle and city from there is wonderful, as well.
My last night Blues dancing in Heidelberg is this Friday, and then I have two birthday parties to attend on Saturday, and then my own going away party at the Sonne on Sunday. It will be a busy weekend, and then I have to pack and get all my things in order. I will try to post one more blog before then, a more introspective look at my thoughts on leaving, and on my year here in general.
I hope you are all well.