Guten Tag, allerseits! Es ist schon wieder Zeit, einen neuen Gastlehrer vorzustellen. Nummer 10 sogar! Wir haben Dr. Karl Fink zu verdanken, dass der Rimbach-Teacher-Award jedes Jahr weiter verliehen wird. Thank you, Karl, for your hours and hours of work to advertise the Award, solicit applications, meet with the selection committee and then orient the award-winner about what is in store at the Martin-Luther-Schule in Rimbach.
Der nächste Gastlehrer, d.h. der Nachfolger von Michael Lenz, heißt Ian Edward Hathway (siehe Foto unten), aus Janesville, Wisconsin (unweit von Madison). Hauptfach: Englisch. Nebenberufliche Leidenschaft: Tanzen. Er schreibt:
"I lived for a year in Brazil on a Rotary Exchange, and that experience has had an incredible impact on my life. I started dancing swing and ballroom as soon as I entered St. Olaf, and dancing has since become one of the most important facets of my life. I teach and compete in swing dancing and am a Teaching Assistant for both Ballroom I and Ballroom II here at St. Olaf."
Ian has been involved in several theater productions at St. Olaf, most recently in an Interim production of "As You Like It" and currently as the Vizier in "Arabian Nights." In addition, he is an aspiring novelist!
"My interest in teaching English was sparked when I lived in Brazil. The English teacher there didn't speak any English; she taught solely written grammar and spelling and asked me if I would teach a short supplementary course in spoken English. The course started well but it ended prematurely when the teachers went on strike!"
Ian spent six weeks in Germany as a high school student. Er freut sich sehr auf eine Wiederkehr and bedankt sich bei uns allen fuer unsere Teilnahme an dieser Gelegenheit, ein Jahr an der M-L-S als Gastlehrer zu verbringen. Man erwartet schon, dass er neben seinem Englischunterricht einen Tanzkursus bieten wird.
Herzlich Willkommen, Ian! Wir wünschen Dir viel Glück und viel Erfolg!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Hathway Vorstellen
Eine kurze Notiz von Virginia (MLS '59-'60):
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